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Aquila - Nylon AGxAQ 'Aldrine Guerrero' Signature Strings Tenor High G 145U

£12.99 £10.82

Aquila have taken a bold step by forward by introducing tenor ukulele strings made of other string materials than the familiar nylgut we know and love.

This signature set was designed by Aquila with the input of Aldrine Guerrero. It is made of a very specific refined clear nylon that is perfect for players with a fast percussive style like Aldrine. They have a cool but subtle translucent green colour.

This is a set of 4 strings in GCEA tuning with a High G string.

Bold statement I know, but you haven't lived until you've tried a set of the AGxAQs.

Reviewed ahead of release in the UK by Gotaukulele.

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