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Aquila Flat Spiral Bronze Wound UBASS Strings 200u AQ-FS-4

£69.99 £58.32

These bass ukulele strings are the newest addition to the Aquila UBASS string line. Building on nearly 2 decades of research and development Aquila have found a unique way of winding the monofilament sugar core uBass strings in a flatwound bronze coating. 

All 4 strings are a mixture of 'sugar monofilament bio-plastic' (try saying that after your third cocktail) and are covered in the wound outer material producing the most 'double bass' like Bass tone possible from a standard 18'' - 21'' uBass. The strings have a unique uBass friendly ball end and present with a lovely tighter tension and accurate response.

We have been waiting a couple of years for these, they have not disappointed! Order yours today. 

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